In the very centre of Kragujevac city, surrounded with a lot of interesting tourist attractions, begins the story of FILIPS SLEEP accommodation, guided by the idea of providing complete pleasure and atmosphere for all city visitors. Completely new and modernly equipped rooms, are designed to satisfy the needs of every visitor. FILIPS SLEEP, vođena idejom da pruži potpuni užitak i ugođaj za sve posetioce ovog grada. Potpuno nove i savremeno opremljene sobe, oblikovane su po meri posetilaca.
Following guest needs, FILIPS SLEEP concept of accommodation is designed to meet the expectations of both businessmen and families.
Lociran u centru grada, sa besplatnim parkingom obezbeđenim za goste, objekat je opremljen najmodernijim video nadzorom, kako na parkingu, tako i u zajedničkim prostorijama, što gostima budi potpun osećaj sigurnosti.
All the rooms that FILIPS SLEEP offers are fully equipped with high quality modern interiors and modern technology. Rooms have two separate beds or a double bed, LCD TV, a kitchenette, a mini bar, Wi-Fi, the underfloor heating as well as the air conditioning.
Osobenost smeštaja, pored vrhunske usluge i komfornih smeštajnih jedinica, jeste i sam odnos prema gostima.
If your goal is to get comfortable in the very city centre, then FILIPS SLEEP is the right choice for you!